Rita Rocha brings national pop to the WYD Cascais Festival

Rita Rocha no Festival JMJ Cascais 2023
Considered the new phenomenon of national pop, Rita Rocha warmed up the stage of Hipódromo de Cascais with her hot voice.
Finalist of the television competition The Voice Kids, he is now 16 years old and composes heartfelt songs that touch the hearts of the public.

The WYD Cascais Festival has cultural and musical diversity as a common denominator and the audience that has flocked to the different stages of the Festival helped put on a party that will remain in the memory of young pilgrims and the entire Cascais community.

Sharing, communion, unity are the words that have been heard the most these days, and music has fulfilled its inclusive role, catalyzing emotions without borders.

Rita Rocha sang in Portuguese, as in previous concerts, other artists did. But, this did not constitute a barrier for the public from origins as diverse as the four corners of the world.

Animation has been a constant on the main stage of the WYD Cascais Festival and, this Thursday, after the emotions running high with the visit of Pope Francisco to Cascais, Rita Rocha's ballads brought calm and a spirit of pacification that will last for a long time in those who passed through Cascais, on this World Youth Day.




Durante a Jornada Mundial da Juventude, em Cascais, as noites foram bastante animadas, com os concertos no palco principal do festival, no Hipódromo Manuel Possolo. Jovens peregrinos, turistas e cascalenses fizeram a festa, ao abraçarem o convite dos artistas para, através da linguagem universal da música, cantarem e dançarem em momentos de comunhão e partilha que vão ficar registados na memória de todos. Porque é esse o espírito da JMJ, plenamente, cumprido em Cascais.

Cascais Welcome Center