Pope Francis: “This painting is the Sistine Chapel painted by all of you”

Papa no edifício do Scholas em Cascais em frente ao mural pintado pela associação
Pope Francis visited the Scholas Occurentes in Cascais

With the color green, symbolic of hope, the Pope made the final contribution to a mural that is the expression of the encounter between multiple different realities, with the theme of “Life Between Worlds”.

August 3rd will remain in memory as a historic day for Cascais. The visit of His Holiness, Pope Francis, places Cascais at the center of the world, welcoming a Pope for the first time in history. In addition, the 3.5km mural that was prepared for the occasion broke records and is now recognized as the largest mural in the world.

At the headquarters of the Scholas Occurentes, which he visited during the morning, the Pope was asked about what he felt when he saw the mural during his trip, to which he replied: “They transformed chaos into cosmos”. “The meaning of things is you who give it, through the messages you convey and the path you take”, he continued, in conversation with the young people present.

The interior of the Scholas in Cascais, a continuation of the mural, was completely filled with a multitude of drawings, colors and paintings. The joint work impressed Pope Francis, who promptly praised it: “This painting is the Sistine Chapel painted by all of you”.

Like the mural, which constitutes a “joint path”, the Scholas, which promote the work of art, are also essential for individual and collective growth. “The Scholas set in motion, make others respect and listen. They show you the way forward. It is a meeting where we all walk together, regardless of country or religion, and that is constructive, just like these 3.5km of mural you prepared”, concluded the Pope, who also made his contribution to the piece, coloring the canvas with paint green, symbolic of hope.

And that's precisely what the mural was. Over the past two months, thousands of people have made this piece possible. The contributions of older citizens, volunteers from Cascais, hospital patients, prisoners, homeless people, Cascais City Council teams, and many others served to represent different realities, and the life that exists between worlds. 

The mural accompanied Pope Francis' journey to Cascais: the first paintings, surrounded by a vast human frame, began to be seen on Avenida Dom Nuno Álvares Pereira, in Estoril, decorating the path from the streets that lead to Cruzeiro, to the Avenida Marginal, the Center of Cascais and the Bay and Citadel until, finally, the Headquarters of the Scholas Occurentes in Cascais.

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