All together we will welcome Pope Francis

Papa Francisco visita Cascais para conhecer a sede do Movimento Scholas Occurrentes
Pope Francis visits Cascais to visit the headquarters of the Scholas Occurrentes Movement
Come be apart of this meeting

Be apart of the human frame that will stretch along the route that His Holiness Pope Francis will travel through, towards the center of Cascais.

This August 3rd will go down in the county's history. It's the day Pope Francis visits Cascais to visit the headquarters of the Scholas Occurrentes Movement, a project he thought up in Buenos Aires in 2019 and which has already impacted more than 400 young people in the municipality. Come be part of this meeting. Be part of the human frame that will stretch along the route that His Holiness Pope Francis will travel through, towards the center of Cascais.

With about 3.5 km, this route will be decorated with the largest mural in the world painted by the Cascais community. His presence along the route is essential to welcome the Pope with all the affection that only the Cascais community knows how to show.

Planned route for the visit of Pope Francis | from 9am

• Roundabout Condes Barcelona, Estoril

• Av. Dom Nuno Alves Pereira, Estoril (beginning of the Mural)

• Av. Fausto Figueiredo, Estoril - Cruzeiro Building, Monte Estoril

• Av. Marginal – Hotel Intercontinental

• Francisco Sá Carneiro Square

• Alameda Combatentes da Grande Guerra – Jardim Visconde da Luz

• D. Luis I Tour - Cascais Bay

• Av. Dom Carlos I - Citadel

• Av. Republic

• Av. Vasco da Gama

You can also follow Pope Francisco's return trip in the opposite direction until 1 pm.

Traffic cuts on the 3rd of August'23 | 9am to 1pm

• Av. da República between Rotunda Comendador Joaquim Baraona and Rotunda João Paulo II, Av. Vasco da Gama between av. da República and Avenida Emídio Navarro, R. Conde Ferreira, R. Latino Coelho, R. do Gama, Rua dos Navegantes, Largo da Assunção, R. da Vitória,

• R. Gomes Freire, R. Marques Leal Pancada, R. Sacadura Cabral, R. Gago Coutinho,

• R. Júlio Pereira de Melo, R. José Ignácio Roquette, R. Freitas Reis from R. Emídio Navarro to R. José Inácio Roquette, R. Luis Xavier Palmeirim,

• Av. D. Carlos I, Passeio D. Luís I, Alameda dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra.

The entrances/exits of the Marina are carried out by Av. Rei Humberto II de Itália, with alternating circulation.

REDUCED MOBILITY ZONE - If you need to travel by car to the reduced mobility zone, must do so by 8:30 am and after 1pm

August 3rd'23 | 10am to 12:30pm

Av. 25 de Abril only downhill from Av. Eng. Adelino Amaro da Costa to the roundabout Francisco Sá Carneiro, Av. Marginal road in both directions from Jardins do Casino to Cascais, Av. Fausto Figueiredo from Av. das Acacias to Av. Marginal, Av. das Acacias, Av. D. Nuno Álvares Pereira and Av. Condes Barcelona from the exit of the A5.

Parking Prohibition

In the center of Cascais from 8pm on the 2nd of August until 1pm on the 3rd of August there is a ban parking on the following arteries: Avenida da República, Rua Latino Coelho, Rua Conde Ferreira, Rua Gomes Freire, Largo da Assunção, Rua Júlio Pereira de Melo, Rua José Inácio Roquette and Rua Sacadura Cabral.

On the 3rd of August there is a restriction on the movement of people between 8am and 12:30 pm on Rua Vasco da Gama, Rua Conde Ferreira, Latino Coelho and Gomes Freire. The access of residents to the area restricted to the movement of people will be allowed upon presentation of proof of address, accompanied by the citizen's card.

In case of doubt, contact the local Police Station directly, through contact 214 814 060.

We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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